Fragment Design, created by Hiroshi Fujiwara, has become well-known in the sneaker community for its minimalist approach, often utilizing basic color schemes such as white, black, and royal blue, along with a straightforward bolt logo.
Recently unveiled on Instagram, Fujiwara's potential collaboration with Nike takes simplicity to the next level with an entirely white design.
Fujiwara has a long-standing relationship with the Air Force 1, spanning several decades. We remember the polka-dot designs from the mid-2000s and his contributions to the HTM versions.
More recently, he collaborated on Clot's limited edition silk-covered pairs. Now, he returns with a solo effort, the Fragment Design x Air Force 1. This iteration features the iconic white-on-white colorway, with the double-bolt logo on the heel and FRGMT engraved into the midsole near the AIR badge at the back.
While only one photo has been shared on Instagram, no further details have been disclosed. However, considering Fujiwara's impressive track record with collaborations, this may be the entirety of the project.
At present, the release details of the shoes remain undisclosed, therefore it is advisable to stay tuned for any forthcoming updates.